Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Bleh. I hate being sick. The whole weekend I was sick and now 2 days of school as well. Bronchitis + the asthma I'm normally plagued with. =p I'm getting better although the pesky hacking cough remains. What I hate most about getting sick is being secluded from school. I feel like I'm missing so much- and not just schoolwork! Did we hear about internships, superlatives? what's the latest news on the play? is our english paper still due friday? and what's this about a field trip to the MoMA? what do I need to know about the eighth grade presentation on Thursday? SO much I'm missing!

On the bright side I read HP & The Deathly Hallows again. It was like reading it for the first time because, admittedly, the last time I read it was in Japan when it first came out in 2007. Tisk tisk, such a bad fan. I actually cried a bunch of times while reading it. That's new for me. I don't usually cry when reading books, except for that time a few months ago when I read The Five People You Meet In Heaven in tears straight through for three hours.
Harry Potter has such a wonderfully exciting ending to it, if you haven't read the last book I suggest you do. But not the epilogue. That was just a sad excuse.

Wow, how quickly I can get off-topic without a Thesis-paragraph-topic sentence- body paragraph-closing sentence to guide me. In the end that system makes sense but it truly is lifeless.

Besides being sick and reading Harry potter, I've learned that the play is going to be The Music Man. (eh.) Not what I would have personally chosen as my senior year musical but... we'll see.

1 comment:

Emma's Mom said...

The Music Man was one of Emma's early favorites. She'd be so excited. You inspired my blog post today. Hope you feel better.

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