Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Physics Phail

It's CAPT week, so a bunch of the periods are shortened while one is extending. Today I was suck with extended double lab AP Physics. o.o Surprisingly though, with about three hours of class time we did less physics than any other time. 
There are only five girls in our class, so we devised a secret plan. Today we showed up dressed like guys and acted like them for the whole period. That distracted the class for most of the period, and we ended up watching "The Bromance is Gone" on youtube and other "manly" things. Also Matt brought bagels. So, that was the first period. Then later that day (because the schedule is so weird) we met up again for our second class of the day, the usual lab period. We actually did physics then, or attempted to. This is where things messed up. We're just finishing up Quantum Mechanic, and Quantum Electrodynamics... you'd think I'd be able to go back to 41 and do some simple projectile motion and friction right? Wrong.
As part of the AP test, there's stuff from last year on it, basic stuff like forces and energy. We got a review packet and had to work on a few problems. I don't know what it was, but I completely blanked. I drew the picture, set it up, and suddenly all physics equations and theories rushed out of my head. To make it worse, everyone else in the class completely got it. And so they should! This is your basic box-on-an-incline problem. And, because the rest of the class got it right easily. we didn't spend much time in class going over the questions. I talked to Heiden after class and he explained it easily, and I get it now. It is worrying though, how quickly I can forget. But it is understandable. We haven't done that kind of stuff in half a year, and I didn't take the final exam last year. My brain was kinda wiped clean after this Summer. I'm really worried to find out what other stuff I've lost in the process...

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