My day consisted of this:
Waking up at 10 to pick up my dad after he dropped his car off at the shop, studying briefly, going out to dinner with my sister and dad, washing my car, doing art for the rest of the day, and now i'm here at a new babysitting job eating chinese take-out and trying to decode the family though their various things around the house. Have you ever done that while over someone's house? This family really really loves their daughter, Catharine. Makes sense, they're first-time parents and she's their only child. She's also adorable. That helps too.
It was nice to go out to lunch with my dad and sister. 1. we never go out to eat in general, and 2. I never usually spend time with those two. Usually its me mom and sarah, or john dad and me, or john and me, or me and mom, or mom dad and me. With a family of 5, there's a lot you can do. The title of this post comes from today at Archie Moores, where my sister requested for her pickle that was supposed to come with her kid's meal but didn't.
Although my level of studying for the day could have been greater, I got a few art pieces together. Sort of. I did a pastel drawing of my friend Brigitta at her Masquerade Ball birthday party. The worst thing about drawing your friends is that if there's anything wrong with your drawing you'll notice right away. I feel kinda bad, because my picture-Brigitta looks like she ate one too many twinkies. I also did this watercolor drawing with the watercolor pencils and paintbrush that my other friend Emma gave to me i think 2 years ago. I never really got the hang of them until just today. Maybe when I ge home i'll post what I've got so far.
Question of the Day: Have you ever re-discovered something you thought you'd